Friday, November 4, 2011


SCHOOL VOUCHERS: Do school vouchers balance the playing field between private and public schools?
And do private schools have a right to part of the education dollar? Opponents of a voucher program argue:
"School voucher programs undermine two great American traditions: Universal public education, and the
separation of church and state." And instead of embracing vouchers, communities across the country should
dedicate themselves to finding solutions that will be available to every American schoolchild, and take into
account the important legacy of the First Amendent." Proponents of school vouchers counter: As tax-paying
Americans all families should have the right to part of the education dollar to off-set the cost of sending their
child to a private school of their choice. and gives poor parents an option of where to send their children to
school, and will also cause public schools to improve their performance." Milton & Rose Friedman, (2010),
The Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, "Advancing the Vision of School Choice for all."
REFERENCE" Milton & Rose Friedman, (2010), the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, www.
Please respond with your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Well said!!! All Americans should be entitled to funds to off-set tuition costs, etc. If our government has an issue with that then our government should do more to ensure that all children receive public quality education and better opportunities for more growth.
